Monday, May 23, 2011

Arrow, Bow and We.

Teer Maar Khan – not a sequel of the recent bollywood film ‘tees

 maar khan’, but a nick name of Ashim Kundu, given by Sovan

 Tarafder. Shakespeare once told ”‘what’s in a name?”, really , you

 may know thousands of Ashim in your world but, we , 89B friends

 know only one Ashim who is again rightly re-named Teer Maar Khan.

In the 80s’, at our school-days of Baranagar Ramkrishna Mission

 Ashram, so far as sports were being concerned,  maximum of us had

 interest  in football and cricket, but one of our class-mate had a 

different liking; it was Archery,  one of the ancient sport of the

world. That was Ashim Kundu. After passed out  Class 10 Board

 Exam. we scattered here and there for higher education and 

naturally the close friendship among class-mates faced the breakage

 of bonding. Ashim just vanished with his bow and arrow. In this long

 22 years we only heard that he is working with Sports Authority Of

 India and staying at Delhi.

One pleasant evening I made a phone call to the Assistant Director

 (coaching) of SAI, Mr. Ramesh Chandak, and asked for the phone 

number of Ashim Kundu. Mr. Chandak asked me how I knew Ashim

 and when he heard about the 22 years old relation ,he agreed to 

give the phone number. At that night only I had talked with Ashim 

and memorized the past.

He is now chief archery coach in Delhi region of SAI, along with he 

is also chief coach in Delhi university, Delhi state govt.,Delhi schools 

and  Delhi archery association. Throughout India according to the

 performance of students he is the Third best Coach. He has 

produced at-least  800 to 1000 archers all over India of 

which many of them has international exposure. Several times he

 became India team Coach and travelled various parts of world as a 

coach to attend seminars, workshops and coaching courses. He went


Scholarship. He has now offer from Georgia, Colombia and some 

African countries.

Ashim is our pride and we, all the 89B friends want Ashim to get the

 highest award of coaching in India—DRONACHARYA .



  1. Congrats Ashim !!! All the best. You have made us proud. Be happy.

  2. and this article is realy fantastic... i don't know who has written this... guess it is Arindam... thanks buddy.

  3. As human being we all love to follow our Hero, be it a film or novel or spiritual, as we tend to find some resemblance within him and feel proud through his achievements. Ashim, you are our HERO! Feel top of the world when we look at you and stand beside you as our dear friend. Keep going man.. we all love you!

  4. We all are proud of you.Keep going.

  5. jio kaka! tomar kaachhe archery taa shikhtei hobe aamaake...ontoto madan baan taa kivaabe maarte hoy seta jaantei hobe...

  6. His nick name..Pintu..
    All the best Pintu.
