Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hi, how are you all? It’s a long awaited new post. Merry Christmas
and best wishes for the coming NEWYEAR to you and your family

89B Wetogether Association is now a registered NGO and is under
proceedings to complete some official protocols viz. to get the
certified copy of by-laws, to open an account with bank, to get
permission from administration to do work, etc., and so the
excuses pile up for delay of starting our works. But the fact is that,
we haven’t started anything yet.

We believe that we CAN do. We all have to take some
responsibility to start our works and to maintain those. We know
that we are on the mid-way of life and  running on the track that
gives toughest competition to survive, but still we laugh, still we
enjoy, because we love ourselves. Do we love others?- that is a
debatable question. When we wrap our sleeping child with a soft
blanket at a winter midnight, do we think for that child, who is
living on the street? No friends, NO, or may  be YES, and if it is yes
then what we have done for them. Here again the answer will be

Friends, we believe that we CAN do. We may give some comfort to
those children who are living street-side, we may arrange some
books for them, we may give some medicines to them……may be
we could help 2 or 3 of them…..

We all have a charitable mind within us, but we don’t know how
to express it, EXPRESS yourself here, let us know your THOUGHT,
we will work for it, and you will get a happiness that is unparallel
to anything.

Take love.

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