Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Memorable Evening with Future Hope Children

An Awesome Evening at DumDum Park Yubak Brinda Puja Venue, where Children from Future Hope inaugarated the Durga Puja where the theme was Child Right.

We 89B Wetogether Association was one of the main associate of the inaugaration programme, where our members gave Puja Gifts to those children.

Glimpses of the Evening are here  :

Final Checking of the Gift Packs

Last miniute dress up of car before Road show

Proud members of 89B Wetogether

Enthusiaism is the only word to do social work

With Future Hope Children before Inaugaration

Smiling faces all around

You feel good when they smile


Part of the Road Show

Team Caravan...they do Bike rallys for a Good Cause

On the stage 89B Wetogether President, Vice-President and others

"This is for you"

A small initiative from us

Educatioal Stationary items as a gift

Future Hope Founder Tim Grandage accepting all gifts on behalf of the all children

Future Hope Founder Tim Grandage accepting all gifts on behalf of the all children

Sending important Emails after completion of the programme

Thanks Tim Grandage to give us a chance to smile those faces..


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